Dorper Sheep

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Australian Dorper Breed Standards and Characteristics

Dorper and White Dorper sheep are highly regarded for their ease of care and high production from low labour, health and feed inputs. They perform well across a range of regions and production systems. They have been proven in all the markets we have sent them including Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam and the Middle East.

Some examples of typical Australian Dorper and White Dorper sheep can be found in the images above.

For our Indonesian Customers: Domba Dorper

Jantan = Male = Ram

Betina = Female = Ewe

Ausidore provides all services with selection, preparation and delivery of quality Fullblood Dorper sheep. We can also provide support and fact sheets to assist with the process of import permits, quarantine and induction of your animals to their new environment to ensure long term success.

Dorper sheep mature early and can be joined/mated all year round. While some breeds only cycle in one season each year, the Dorper ewes(female) can typically be mated from 8 months of age and lamb 3 times every 2 years.

They are excellent mothers and would usually produce and average of 150% lambing rate for each joining.

Dorpers thrive in all environments and production systems. Typically in Australia they will be grazed in large paddocks on a range of feed - often doing better on fibrous herbage than lush green grass or clover.

They are favoured over wool breeds, like merino, because they shed their fibre and have a clean skin - reducing the labour and management required for shearing and managing flystrike.

Dorpers quickly grow good muscling lean carcasses, making them ideal for lamb production.

Productive ewes typically grow to 50-70kg and rams 90-110kg.

We select and supply Dorper sheep to meet each customers' specific requirements and budget. As a minimum, selection will be undertaken to ensure all animals are structurally sound and fit for breeding and that they conform with the Australian Dorper Breed Standards - Scroll down the page to see a summary of these.

The following comprises the Australian Dorper Breed Standards.

1. Conformation:

Head: Strong and long with eyes widely spaced and protectively placed. Strong nose, strong well shaped mouth with well-fitted deep jaws is the ideal. To qualify for T5, stud and commercial the upper part of the inside on the cutting teeth must be in contact with the upper gum. The lower jaw may be 2mm shorter on adult animals and 3mm shorter on lambs. When an animal is shedding the front teeth, the adjacent teeth may be used for evaluation of the fit. The forehead must not be dished. The size of the ears must be in relation to the head. A developed horn base or small horns are the ideal. Discriminate according to size against heavy horns

Forequarter & Neck: The neck should be of medium length, well fleshed, broad and well coupled to the forequarter. Shoulders should be firm, broad and strong. A moderate protrusion of the brisket beyond the shoulders, moderate width and good depth are the ideal. Forelegs must be strong, straight and well placed with strong pasterns and hoofs not too widely split. Weak pasterns and X-legs must be discriminated against according to degree. Shoulders, which appear loose, brisket that slants up too sharply with no projection beyond the shoulders, crooked legs and weak walking ability, are faulty.

Barrel: The ideal is a long, deep, wide body, ribs well sprung, loin broad and full. The sheep must have a long, straight back and not have a Devil’s grip. A slight dip behind the shoulders is permissible.

Hindquarter: A long and wide rump is the ideal. The inner and outer twist to be well-fleshed and deep in adult animals. The hind legs must be strong and well placed with sturdy feet and strong pasterns. Weak, skew pasterns and sickle hocks must be discriminated against according to degree. The hocks must be strong without a tendency to turn in or out. Bandy- or perpendicular hocks are faulty.

Udder & Sex Organs: Well-developed udder and reproductive organs are essential in the ewe. The scrotum of the ram should not be too long and the testicles should be of equal size and not too small. Any abnormalities in the testicles are cull faults.• Minimum testicle circumference size in a sitting position: • 10 months of age 30cm • 2 tooth 32cm • 4 tooth 33cm • 6 tooth and older 34cm • A split of 1,5cm deep allowed on scrotum of ram, measured from the deepest point to bottom of testicles. • Any projection of a prolap on the anus or vagina is faultyGeneral appearance: The sheep must be symmetrical and the body parts balanced in proportion to each other. A calm temperament with a vigorous appearance is the ideal.

2. Size or growth rate

A sheep with good size and weight for its age is the ideal. Discriminate against extremely large or extremely small animals, under the same environmental conditions.

3. Distribution of fat

Too much localisation of fat on any part of the body (see circles) is undesirable. An even distribution of a thin layer of fat over the carcass and between the muscle fibres is the ideal. The sheep must be firm and muscular when handled.

4. Colour pattern

Dorpers: A white sheep with a black head and neck is the ideal. A limited number of spots are allowed on the body and legs. Totally white sheep or sheep that are predominantly black are faulty. Brown or white hair around the eyes must be discriminated against according to degree. Pink teats, pink under the tail and white hooves are faulty. Brown on the face is undesirable.

White Dorpers: A white sheep, fully pigmented on the eyelids, under the tail and on the teats is the ideal. A limited number of spots are allowed on the ears and underline.

5. Cover or Fleece

Definition: H5 A short, loose, light mixture of hair and wool with a natural clean kemp underline. The head should be covered in short clean kemp.

Definition: H4 A short, loose, light covering of hair and wool with wool predominating on forequarter and with a natural clean underline. Wool is allowed up to the crown of the head.

Definition: H3 A short, loose covering of predominantly wool or soft-fine hair with perceptible kemp on the outer thigh. A soft light mane or apron is allowed. Wool is allowed forward of the crown on the head. Definition: H2 a) Almost exclusively coarse hair. b) Almost exclusively wool and very dense.

Definition: H1 a) Exclusively coarse hair. b) Exclusively wool (long and dense). c) A coarse hairy mane.

6. Type*

Type is determined by the degree the sheep conforms to the Breed Standards. The general impression must be of good balance, muscling and a vigorous appearance. Masculinity in the ram and femininity in the ewe is important. Note: Any tendency to a cull fault cannot be a Type 5.

*Generally, most Australian Dorper Sheep, have not been officially classified to a Type.



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